Voice Views: What’s your ideal job?

"What do you want to do?" A terrifying question, but it doesn't have to be

Voice Views: What’s your ideal job?

September has always been something of a career and ‘next step’ focused month for us. With people going back to school, leaving to go to uni, or starting a new job, it can be a time of significant change for people. 

With a literally never-exhausting array of job options out there, it can be quite daunting to think about what you want to do. Even when you are already in work, you might know in your heart that it’s not what you want to do forever. 

So, we thought we would dedicate this month’s Voice Views to talking about that potentially daunting question – "what do you want to do?"

Maybe you’ve always wanted to be a backstage assistant, or perhaps a world renowned sculptor? Maybe it’s the prospect of becoming a festival administer that really gets you excited? Or how about a freelance arts facilitator, travelling across the country to deliver creative workshops to areas of low cultural engagement? The possibilities are endless!

Our own team will be reflecting on what their ideal job would be, but we want to know what yours are as well. Maybe you want a full-time position as a museum curator, or as self-employed photographer who specialises in music… Whatever the hours, whatever the job, let us know. 

Detail why you want the job, what specifically attracts you to it, what steps you have already taken to achieve it, and any questions or concerns you have. You never know, someone else from the Voice community might have the answer you’re looking for!

Just use the tag ‘voice views’ when uploading your piece and others will be able to find it!

We also have a career section, with interviews and how-to guides from people in all sorts of positions in the industry. Definitely check it out for inspiration!


Tom Inniss

Tom Inniss Voice Team

Tom is the Editor of Voice. He is a politics graduate and holds a masters in journalism, with particular interest in youth political engagement and technology. He is also a mentor to our Voice Contributors, and champions our festivals programme, including the reporter team at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

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