My name is Victoria Edwards I am 18 and currently working on my Gold Arts Award with The Urban Vocal Group (UVG) and my chosen area of interest is 'inclusion in the arts'
In 2010 I suffered a brain haemorrhage that initially caused paralysis down one side of my body and left me partially sighted. It was also discovered that I had a benign brain tumour which has caused me to lose the majority of my sight.
Having been a Scout for 12 years and a member of The UVG for 6 I have first-hand experience of accessing mainstream activities and have always felt comfortable and included in the activities. However I did notice that this was fairly unusual and not the norm amongst others with disabilities. This led me to ask the question 'why?' and I wanted to investigate this area by organising a symposium to explore the subject further.
The symposium will discuss and document the barriers and perceptions regarding young people with SEN/D accessing mainstream arts activities. By creating a dialogue between Arts providers, SEN/D providers and Parents / Carers we aim to promote a greater understanding of these perceived barriers, and how, by working together we can 'meet in the middle' and expand the bubble of inclusion.
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