Hi Jordan! What was your experience of taking exams with Trinity College?
Our three-year course is purely vocational; and so, we had assessments throughout the course, from Term One onward, testing us in the skills we needed to be a professional actor. We were also assessed on our performances in plays throughout the course.
In what ways do you feel like your creative talent has progressed?
In all ways! Vocally, physically, in my way to approach a text, in the techniques required for stage acting, TV, film and radio.
What did you find most valuable to you, personally, about taking your Trinity College qualification?
The qualification itself won’t get me an audition for a part, but the course has given me all the skills and knowledge I need to be an actor.
I have had two jobs in quick succession after I left The Oxford School of Drama: with Theatre Centre in a national tour of Oliver Twist, and I’m currently in the West End production of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
I felt I came out of drama school with an understanding of what my part in the industry is – how to be professional around actors, directors, casting directors, and the importance of teamwork.
What did you find inspiring?
I found the teachers inspiring. I truly felt that every single tutor at The Oxford School of Drama genuinely adored what they did as a profession and this made us all want to work as hard as we possibly could, day in and day out.
What did you find most challenging?
To be realistic in the demands you place on yourself. It was important to build up a resilience, whilst you are still in the supportive structure of training, so that you can then take that out with you into the profession.
What are you going to do next – and has your qualification helped you?
I’m currently in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child at the Palace Theatre in the West End and will continue in this until Spring 2019. It’s an acting job I love!
The course at The Oxford School of Drama shaped me and helped me in ways that I never thought would be possible.
How did you get involved with music or drama in the first place?
I started dance when I was eight years old, which then led me into musical theatre and then to acting.
Who gave you the most help and inspiration?
Training as an actor can be really tough, and I think a lot of students go through moments when they question whether it is what they really want to do.
Did I know when I pulled into the car park of that magnificent school for my first audition that this was going to be, at least for me, a little crazy? Yes!
But what I didn’t realise was that it was going to be something that I hadn’t really had in my life up to that point – it was going to be a home.
I will never forget on my last day at The Oxford School of Drama, my Principal, George Peck, taking me aside and saying, “I think I know this has been a home for you, and I just wanted to tell you it still will be, even when you have left.”
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