Trinity Class of 2024 Hall of Fame – Rasvitha Rajinikanthan

Rasvitha Rajinikanthan, aged 11, has been added to the Trinity College Hall of Fame for her immense dedication to playing the electronic keyboard. We spoke to her about her success and future musical ambitions.

Trinity Class of 2024 Hall of Fame – Rasvitha Rajinikanthan

What does it mean to you to be included in the Trinity Hall of Fame?

I feel amazingly proud and elated to be included in the Trinity Hall of Fame! It makes me feels like all the hard work and effort that I have put into this is totally worth it. I am very grateful and thankful towards my family and teacher as they have been encouraging and supporting me. Being included in the Hall Of Fame is such a big opportunity and honour for me to show off my ability to be very good at keyboard. Therefore, I say that being included in this really inspires me to keep developing skills and keep playing.

Could you explain a little about what first drew you to the arts?

⁠I have always loved and enjoyed music and, since I was little, I have been listening to many songs and trying them out on the keyboard. That is how I gradually got the interest to play keyboard and I instantly fell in deep love with it. Plus, music helps me relax and be calm, so that’s how I was drawn to the arts.

How has Trinity helped you to achieve your goals in the arts?

Trinity College has helped me very much as I get to explore new songs and types of music which I really enjoy doing. Also, the exams always boost up my energy and make me feel that I have to shine like a star and pass in distinction. The feedback they give really helps me out on where to improve and how to make my fluency or accuracy better. So I say that passing each and every grade feels like I have won the Olympic gold medal.

What are your hopes for your future in the arts? Do you want to make it into a career?

I hope to continue this and keep getting better and better at each stage and maybe learn many other instruments like veena, violin, and many more. Although I do enjoy playing keyboard, I am not sure of making it into a career, but sooner as I grow up I am sure I may be thinking about that. Also, I would love to perform in big and grand concerts or maybe even write my own piece of fabulous music some day.

Do you have any advice for other young people who want to pursue the arts?

My advice is that everyone should first make sure that they find the music or art that would keep them motivated and make them feel relaxed and calm. Although it may seem hard sometimes, I say that you should never give up and keep trying until you have achieved it. Also, don’t forget to have faith and belief in yourself. If you enjoy what you do, you will definitely succeed.

Find out more about the Trinity Hall of Fame here or learn more about classical and jazz grade exams.


Trinity Talent

Trinity Talent

TrinityTalent celebrates talented young people achieving Trinity’s music, drama and Arts Award qualifications in the UK.

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