24 October 2015
Volunteering at festivals: my experience at Durham Book Festival
Getting involved in festivals can be a great way of getting experience in the industry and getting access to events, as I found out reviewing and volunteering at this year's Durham Book Festival.
21 October 2015
An open letter to photography
To my camera: I like it best when we are as one. My eye against yours.
19 October 2015
Are wooden instruments potentially a biohazard?
The destruction of a musician's wooden instruments at the hands of US customs, on the grounds that they are agricultural products and thus pose a biological hazard to native species, poses a grave question to musicians the world over: is there any justification on which an instrument that forms a key part to someone's livelihood can be destroyed because of what it is made of?
19 October 2015
Being an Apprentice – 1 Month later…
Just over one month after I joined Unit Twenty Three as an apprentice, and so far it's gone pretty well!
18 October 2015
An open letter to the gaming industry
It's not me, it's you. I want more from this relationship, I want to start seeing women, and diversity, and I think I should be treated with respect.
13 October 2015
Why we need to bring the Lush ‘Go Naked’ advert back
Cosmetic company Lush's new adverts have been labelled pornographic and banned in Australia, but body positive campaigns like this are exactly what we need.
12 October 2015
Get Gold with Arts Award's 10th Birthday
I'm taking a slightly new slant this month. Partly because I've been terrible over the summer and ashamedly got out of the habit of my regular blogging. But I hope that this blog becomes a useful resource for our exciting new Gold Hub - a dedicated collection of resources and support on Voice to help you complete your Gold Arts Award - so I'm going to improve the regularity.
9 October 2015
An Open Letter To Modern Hip Hop
My opinion on the current state of Hip Hop today.
8 October 2015
Case Study: Sally Trivett, Voice Community Coordinator and Silver Achiever
This month, we're celebrating Arts Award's 10th Birthday. We've called on the Arts Award Youth Network to discuss the impact that Arts Award has had on them. Today, it's our Voice Community Coordinator, Sally Trivett.
2 October 2015
Raising the Game: National Association of Youth Theatre event
To Be or not To Be at NAYT... That is the question
29 September 2015
Desi Rascals: The debate about how ‘desi’ it actually is
My family and I have been watching the acclaimed Sky Living, scripted reality series Desi Rascals.
24 September 2015
My Morning With Lenny!
Sitting on a panel alongside a member of the Casting Directors Guild, a famous actor/comedian, and a freelance director, is not a bad way to start your Saturday.
24 September 2015
Working the Fringe – Part 3: A Reflection
So it's been nearly 3 weeks since I left Scotland and the Fringe for yet another year.
24 September 2015
National Art and Design Saturday Club
After doing my Arts Award, I was really interested in engaging in other areas of extracurricular arts activities.
24 September 2015
National Art and Design Saturday Club Summer Show 2014
Thoughts on the private viewing of the National Art and Design Saturday Club summer show at Somerset House, a collaborative exhibition of students from 33 universities and colleges across the UK.
24 September 2015
Insights from The Sorrell Foundation's Lady Frances Sorrell
Insights from Lady Frances Sorrell, one of the founders of the National Art&Design Saturday Club scheme.
17 September 2015
Being an apprentice
Not going to lie – being an apprentice is hard, especially if you've only just started out. BUT, if you are determined and persistent like me, then you'll do just fine. I'm currently starting my Gold Arts Award with Unit Twenty Three as the Projects Assistant, and so far it's going pretty well. So I'm going to provide some information on what it's like to be a new apprentice. Don't worry, you'll be fine. Trust me!
14 September 2015
Can young people fully understand the importance of arts in our current system?
Arts education is not effective in demonstrating the value of the arts to young people.