5 November 2015
Get Gold with Shakespeare
Shakespeare has been a hot topic for the last month and I've thoroughly enjoyed the range of content produced by our own team, our new youth network team members, and well of course you all creating some interesting reviews and items.
4 November 2015
Get Gold with hidden cities
Through December Arts Award Voice has been running a theme selected by the Ikon Youth Programme, hidden cities. When I was in conversations with them over 2 months ago (wow time has flown) there were all sorts of ideas for a theme, food art being one. But this post isn't about what could have been, it's about what is.
4 November 2015
Get Gold with magazines
My usual ramblings this month are joined by what I hope is of some interest to some of you, an outline of how we arrived at the new homepage we launched recently.
4 November 2015
Get Gold in the New Year
Well here we are, embracing 2014 with a vengeance. Is this the year you'll achieve your artistic ambitions? Perhaps it will be the year you get your Gold Arts Award!
4 November 2015
Get Gold with rural arts
I start writing this in a place ideal for contemplating rural arts, the New Forest. Having spent a week down on the south coast, the fresh air and rurality reminds me of where I grew up. I've lived in cities for the last 6 years and a large town for about 5 years before that, so rural arts had become a thing of the past.
4 November 2015
Get Gold on a budget
Well, here on Voice it's 'affordable art' month and I know that's handy after the Christmas splurge. For me it's not about the Boxing Day spend bonanza, or even the cost of presents. It's the cost of travel to see everyone and the meals out!
4 November 2015
Get gold with comedy - a blog by Emrys
Life's a laugh sometimes isn't it? And frankly so can be gaining your qualifications!
4 November 2015
Get gold with family arts - a blog by Emrys
I've enjoyed reading the articles and items posted to voice just in the first week or so of the month. I'm sure there's many more to come!
4 November 2015
Get gold with Festivals - a blog by Emrys
The team have covered numerous festivals which have all ranged in shape and style so much that what 'defines a festival' cannot be anything material. For me I think it must be about the passion and shared values of the audience & creators.
4 November 2015
Get Gold by being Inspired - a blog by Emrys
I'm doing something unusual right now, creating a short blog post direct to Arts Award Voice. I've just been spurred straight in to action
4 November 2015
Get gold at Halloween - a blog by Emrys
Halloween to me always seems like a great opportunity for interactive arts And creating daring work. My background is Theatre and the concept of Theatre of the Oppressed excites me. Direct audience engagement and creating something that not only wows audiences but brings them in as participants too.
4 November 2015
Get Gold with Politics - a blog by Emrys
Polictics is key to life. Our democratic system is the cornerstone of our society. And arts are a foundation upon which to build. You should embrace politics, and make of it what you will.
2 November 2015
Music and Me - a love letter
Me and music go back a long, long way. But recently...let's just say things are a bit complicated. Here's what happened:
31 October 2015
Can technology increase the political participation of 18-24 year olds in the United Kingdom? - An extract
A summary of my dissertation, submitted the month before the General Election
28 October 2015
NAYT Raising The Game 2015
Raising The Game, an NAYT (National Association of Youth Theatres) event packed with workshops and opportunities for youth theatre groups to join and learn more.
28 October 2015
I can do both! Is the multi-skilled artist a good thing?
With a specific focus on the backstage theatre industry, is being a multi-skilled practitioner a help or a hindrance within the industry today? Can someone market themselves as having skills in multiple departments? And how important is it for someone who has chosen to specialise to have a knowledge of other departments?
24 October 2015
Volunteering at festivals: my experience at Durham Book Festival
Getting involved in festivals can be a great way of getting experience in the industry and getting access to events, as I found out reviewing and volunteering at this year's Durham Book Festival.