18 January 2017
Scapegoat - Arts Award Gold, Unit 1 Part A
This is a link to my wordpress based blog that I started as a way of creating an e-portfolio for my Gold Arts Award work, that I am currently carrying out in sixth form. Please check it out if you so desire.
17 January 2017
Is the special effects industry being taken over by computers?
This is a summary of an arts issue about the special effects industry behind the making of films and movies, and whether or not it is being taken over by computer programmes. It is about what i think about the situation, and whether or not these computer programmes could take over careers and jobs in the future.
17 January 2017
Joe Binder, Cambridge based Vlogger
I caught up with Joe Binder, a Geography student at the University of Cambridge and a vlogging enthusiast.
13 January 2017
What is our obsession with poverty porn?
We have developed quite the dirty habit that few seem willing to address
11 January 2017
Is Theatre Failing to Include and Represent Artists with Disabilities?
In this article, George explores the lack of equality within theatre, with focus on the deficits faced by artists with disabilities.
4 January 2017
Are Drama School Audition Fees Really Necessary?
In this article, Alex discusses the impact of nerve-wracking drama auditions - but are they really worth it?
1 January 2017
Important lessons my arts degree taught me that my grades won't tell you
Graduation is 6 months and many deadlines away. It cannot come round soon enough but at the same time is whizzing towards me at an uncomfortably rapid speed.
30 December 2016
Films to look forward to in 2017
Take a look at just some of the massive films that we're going to get lost in in 2017.
29 December 2016
Television to look forward to in 2017
Have a look at the television programmes that will act as our greatest sources of solace in 2017.
22 December 2016
2016's been a pretty good year for the arts
With political chaos creating as many headlines as it did headaches, how did the soothing arts world react?
20 December 2016
Leaving the EU: Good or Bad for the Arts?
This is about the implications of leaving the EU in the Arts
18 December 2016
Art history's alternative Christmas styles
Since the Enlightenment, Christmas as a religious celebration has all but disappeared from the art world. But even pre Enlightenment, the Nativity was shown in a wide variety of ways across the world.
15 December 2016
Christmas and art: what's the story?
When we think of Christmas and art, we immediately think back to pre-enlightenment art, picturing religious scenes depicting the original meaning of Christmas. But how have these ideas been translated into modern art?
13 December 2016
What's it all about? Christmas in Film
As the evenings draw in, frost sneakily creeps over the ground and the weather outside gets frightful, it is time to get comfy on the sofa with friends and family and put on the inevitable Christmas films!
8 December 2016
How is Christmas portrayed in theatre?
Why wouldn't you love Christmas? Time united as a family, a chance to find romance under the mistletoe, snow falling outside as you wrap yourself up with a hot chocolate and Miracle on 34th Street.
5 December 2016
Living History - a new art form?
Ever since Downton Abbey, the flash of a maid's uniform has always meant some kind of period drama
29 November 2016
Takeover Day 2016 at Time & Tide Museum
Time & Tide Museum in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk embraced the theme of 'The World Takes Over' as they worked with children who spoke English as a second language to create & deliver an exhibition of their own.
28 November 2016
2001 : A Space Odyssey - Keir Dullea & Gary Lockwood
The massive science fiction hit by director Stanley Kubrick welcomed two of the actors from 1968's '2001 : A Space Odyssey'. Keir Dullea and Gary Lockwood took part in a panel at Birmingham MCM Comic Con this month.