23 November 2017
The benefits of being grateful
There might be more to that warm fuzzy feeling you get when reflecting on the positives of your life!
23 November 2017
Building your own Pokemon world in WebVR with Santosh Viswanatham pt. 1 - Mozfest 2017
We're posting up the session plans for the youth led sessions at MozFest 2017. There are lots of slides for Santosh's session so here's the first half.
23 November 2017
Being grateful for people
Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity to, well, give thanks- but we should seek to appreciate wider aspects as much as the smaller details.
23 November 2017
Things to be thankful for
When it comes to thinking of things to be thankful for, there isn't a short list. I am thankful to the person who invented pizza, thankful for film and thankful for books. Over the three years that it took me to complete all three of my Arts Awards, I have a lot of people to be thankful for.
22 November 2017
Excellence or elitism?
The lack of diversity at top universities is a problem – but demanding quotas and regulation is not the solution.
22 November 2017
What are you thankful for?
Sometimes it's important to take a break and reflect on the positives
19 November 2017
Gold Arts Award Photography
Unit 2 Part D Online showing of photographic material
19 November 2017
Poet Emi Mahmoud at Trust Conference
Emi Mahmoud is a poet and activist from Sudan, and as the reigning 2015 Individual World Poetry Slam Champion and Women of the World Co-Champion 2016, Emi is proof of the important relationship between the arts and activism.
15 November 2017
Hey, Who Stole My Culture?
The term 'cultural appropriation' has some potentially troubling connotations.
14 November 2017
Neha Lakhanpaul and The Dance Code - MozFest 2017
We're posting up the session plans for the youth led sessions at MozFest 2017
14 November 2017
See Think Make on Digital Creativity in Primary Schools - MozFest 2017
We're posting up the session plans for the youth led sessions at MozFest 2017.
14 November 2017
Dave Darch and A Little Learning on using Scratch and HTML - MozFest 2017
If you weren't able to make it to MozFest, we've got the notes from youth led session leaders so you can learn a bit from home - here's a bit of coding for beginners by Dave Darch.
14 November 2017
Otis Laundon on using Blender - MozFest 2017
We're posting up the session plans for the youth led sessions at MozFest 2017.
14 November 2017
Femi Owolade-Coombes and South London Raspberry Jam - MozFest 2017
We're posting up the session plans for the youth led sessions at MozFest 2017.
13 November 2017
Physical Theatre
If I had to put my favourite styles of theatre in order, I would probably say that Physical Theatre is one of my least favourites. Not to offend anyone involved with physical theatre, I would just prefer to watch a musical, however, that being said, I have seen two pieces of physical theatre that deserve to be mentioned.
10 November 2017
Brighton Fringe Announces 2018 Family Guide Cover Competition
Children from across Brighton and Hove are being invited to design the cover of the 2018 Brighton Fringe Family Guide.
10 November 2017
Womanhood: a problem you can't pay away
Sexual abuse cases have recently been tearing through Hollywood, more shockingly than ever before, showing us that there are some problems money and fame can't solve, for even the most high-powered women.