Origami Shrimp

A stop-motion video of how to make an origami shrimp

origami is a fun thing you can do anywhere you just need a piece of paper.

The art of paper folding was probably made before paper was invented, they used cloth and leather to make origami.

Origami Shrimp

I think is really great you can make something out of a sheet of paper, you can make things that are very easy or go to the extreme and make something very difficult that looks amazing and very realistic but could take days to do perhaps years, you have origami masters.

I love making origami as it helps me to concentrate while doing other things, i tried to make the tutorial easy to follow without sound as its easier to follow along

this is the link https://youtu.be/vI8kVnB2o9c

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Zephyr Anderson

Zephyr Anderson

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  • Charlotte Ralph

    On 7 January 2021, 15:38 Charlotte Ralph commented:

    Great origami tutorial Zephyr! I liked the stop-motion animation to take us through the steps. For those people who may have never tried origami before it might be nice to add in a few more written instructions. The end part looked a bit complicated but I could watch it over a few times to help me workout the 'staircase' effect. Loved the 3 colouful shrimp coming together at the end! Well done!

  • Charlotte Bailey

    On 7 January 2021, 15:39 Charlotte Bailey commented:

    I didn't understand it very well because there weren't many captions and it was very fast but other than that nice video

  • Rose Edmonston

    On 7 January 2021, 16:24 Rose Edmonston commented:

    Amazing shrimp! The stop motion looked great and made it fun to watch. Using dark paper against a light background and adding captions at harder points made it easier to see and understand. As someone who has no experience with origami I would have liked it to be a little slower and to have a few more captions to follow. Great tutorial.

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