Investingating Quality in Learning Disabled Arts.

I am currently undertaking the Gold Arts Awards with my main emphasis on Dance. I would very much like to know your thoughts 

regarding the involvement of disabled people within the Performing Arts. Below are a few questions to help you express your opinions. If you would take the time to answer then I would be most happy. 

Thank you 


1) Involvement in the Creative Arts should not be confined to the able bodied alone. Artists with a Disability are Artists nevertheless.  Do you agree that their experience and abilities can enrich our understanding of their chosen Art form? 

2) What opportunities would you like to encourage Disabled Artists to participate in the Performing Arts? Are there any such opportunities in your area 

3) Do you feel there are enough existing venues in your area that are accessible to Disabled Artists? 

4) What opportunities are you aware of for Disabled Artists to learn the necessary skills in the Performing Arts? Do you agree that most opportunities have a cut off point at the age of 25 years and is this fair? 


Barnabas Shayler

Barnabas Shayler

I am a dancer and would like to become a Choreographer. I have completed the Bronze and Silver Arts Awards currently I am working on the Gold. I was a member of Actone ArtsBase/ Silver Birch Dance Company. Recently I finished College studying Performing Arts at the Orpheus Centre, Surrey.

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  • Anna Hamann

    On 29 May 2019, 18:00 Anna Hamann commented:

    I think there aren't enough opportunities for disabled people in dance, and in my area I can't think of any. Dance should be something that everyone can do and be able to express themselves, so I would definitely agree that we should make more of an effort when it comes to finding ways for people with disabilities to be able to dance

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