We've met with some of the people that work backstage they were:
Androulla Constantinou – Producer (Creative Learning), sabbatical cover
Phil Clarke – Production and Technical Manager
I enjoyed going to the green room because it’s the place where the actors relax. I met the writer David Lane.
There was nothing I disliked.
Theatre - I learnt about the lighting which changes colour and shapes, animals.
The seating changes, depending on the play e.g. in the round, end on or traverse.
We went in the Greenroom – this is the room where the actors relax.
In the Red room – this is the room where the actors get changed and have meetings.
In the Basement – this is where they keep and make props and sets.
Foyer- this is where the audience wait and it is also a gallery, the art work changes every 3 months. There is also chalk boards for little kids to draw about the play they have seen. There is also a big TV, which shows The Half Moon Theatre advert.
I have got The Half Moon Theatre brochure.
By going backstage at The Half Moon Theatre i learnt what happens behind the scenes, what the actors get up to and i met a writer called David Lane.
Good job Afzal
By the way who is David Lane? Did we met him whiles at the Half Moon Theater?