Digital Art in the World

Here I have researched where digital art is applied in the different industries.

As digital art is my new art form, I investigated its applications in the world. In truth, this art form exists everywhere, and is fundamental in the world's communication. Digital art is used in posters, symbols and signs, as a fine art form, and to generate ideas and concepts in engineering and in entertainment industries. I looked a lot into my new art form in the game industry, as this is a career path I hope to pursue in future. Because the UK is one of the leading countries in game design, there are many opportunities in this industry available. A majority of game development companies have worldwide networks, and because gaming is becoming more popular with the generations, it is a popular career choice for many, and far more accepted now. It is a similar situation with film and animation, where digital displays make up a lot of what we see in advertising, music and in everyday life. I recorded some of the recruitment forms from different industries that require digital artists, to show that it is a modern art form that is widely needed. As hand-drawn animation decreases in popularity, while photoshop and CGI increase, digital art is definitely an art form worth investigating.

Image: Flickr

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Harriet Overell

Harriet Overell

I am 17 years old and hope to pursue Video Game Design as a career path. I hope to attend university later this year, and use my place in the game design community to inspire others as much as previous games have inspired me.
(Profile picture is concept art by Cedric Peyravernay)

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  • Luke Taylor

    On 2 October 2017, 11:21 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    I am a HUGE fan of digital art! Whilst I do respect traditional art, digital art appears to be the way forward.

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