Using Gacha Life 2 app to create characters - Part A

This is about learning to use a new app from Lumine for creating characters for my Bronze Arts Award Part A.

I decided to learn how to use Gacha Life 2 which is a new app from Lumine who also made Gacha Club and Gacha Life. Gacha Life describes itself as a single-player role-playing game which offers its users characters to dress up 'in the latest anime fashion' and place in various provided poses and scenes. Gacha Life 2 provides even more customizable avatars with complete freedom over colour, sizing, and adjustment. 

Over time, experimenting with and practicing various things like lighting, demeanours, expressions and poses in Gacha Life 2 allowed me to make a better portrayal of my characters. I progressed from a dragon that looks like it’s inviting you to tea (see Gacha Dragon v1 photo), to a dragon who’s wondering why it shouldn’t just set you aflame in the spot.

  1. What did you like about it and why?

  2. What didn’t you like and why?

  3. What went well?  What could have been better?     

  4. How would you rate your arts skills before taking part 
    You could use a scale of 1 - 10 (ten being brilliant, ha ha!), draw an emoticon, doodle, paint, or stick a photo

  5. How would you rate your arts skills after taking part?  Yup, well done

  6. Have you learned any new skills?

  7. Got any top tips for other people doing this activity?

  8. So what arts activities do you want to try next?

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