Gacha character creation skill share - Part D

This is about my skills share for the Bronze Arts Award Part D.

Skills Share Plan

The arts skill I would like to share is how to use Gacha Studio to its maximum potential. I have spent 100+ hours using this application to create my own characters. During that time I have learnt how to create cohesive character design with the clever use of colour, storyline and re-imagining how to use the base accessories and shapes offered by the application.

I would like to share my skills because I enjoy teaching others and supporting younger teens and children to make art they are proud of.

My plan is to share my skills using What's App (with a friend) and face to face conversation and instruction (with my Mum) and the only preparation I needed before being ready for this is to get the skills for myself. I don't need to practice either because the skills share is going to be informal rather than a presentation. It should be fun and interesting because it is art and the people I'm sharing my skills with already both have an interest in creating characters - they just want to improve and that's what I'm there to help them with.

The outcome I want for my skill share participants is to feel improved confidence at using the Gacha app to make more advanced characters. They will be sharing with me what they have made and so I will be able to see if it has helped them.

RUN your skills share (well done)…then REVIEW it!

  1. Did everything go to plan or did you have to adapt or think on your feet?

  2. Got some evidence of you running your skills share? Photos, video etc

  3. What went well?

  4. Any problems?  If so, how did you deal with them?

  5. Did people understand how to do what you were teaching them?

  6. What feedback do you have from others about how well you shared your skills?

Is there anything you would do differently next time?  If so, why?

This is a user generated post from our Arts Award on Voice community and was not edited by the Voice team. We would love to hear your views too! Sign up for an account and make your Voice heard!


Delaney Spooner

Delaney Spooner

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