SHREK THE MUSICAL PRESENTED BY BTS*unfortunately not the band*

I took part in Shrek the musical on 25th & 26th May at the Whitty Theatre. In this production, I 🌟starred🌟 as young Fiona. My drama school BTS - Berkshire Theatre School - *see, it’s not the band* put on this production so well.

SHREK THE MUSICAL PRESENTED BY BTS*unfortunately not the band*

f244656a3529a9ae34ea502d640b6cb4be34fbe9.jpgThe front cover of the program

 4c8ee3ae5659b585202104c7e79295ec1ab426e2.jpegAs young Fiona, I sang part of the song *I Know It’s Today* live with a microphone, but a headset microphone.  I was also part of the ensemble, and my scene was where Donkey was alone in the dragon’s lair, which then led into the dance *You're gonna stay*. The production took several weeks to put together, and every week we would add to the dances or scenes and put some scenes and dances together. Both my costumes were well suited to my roles - I wore a red wig and green dress 👗 for young Fiona, and as the ensemble, I wore a knight outfit. Also, BIG THANKS to my drama school, who do this every year, with a different production every time, to give children an experience of the show business.

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Elaine Hewett

Elaine Hewett

I play the flute, have an interest in drama and attend art classes. As a summary, I like the arts 🎭 👩‍🎨🎤🎶🪈


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