Allegra Raises The Bar With Confessional Debut EP ‘Unsent Love Letters Vol.1’

Hoping to move on from heartbreak? Make sure you tune into Allegra’s debut EP ‘Unsent Love Letters Vol.1’, the London-based singer’s first full length body of work.

Allegra Raises The Bar With Confessional Debut EP ‘Unsent Love Letters Vol.1’

Allegra has been labelled a hit-maker, and her EP is no exception. However, it adopts a maturation in sound and showcases her newfound versatility, displaying a dynamic blend of influences and moods. The title serves its purpose, uncovering unsent letters to exes that she would write as a source of solace for her pain. Now, she converts it into a set of powerful tracks that will linger in the listener's minds long after the first listen. 

‘Upgraded’ is gently uplifting, revealing a more intimate side to Allegra’s previous dance-pop hits. Shying away from club floor-fillers, the star explores the growth from an unhealthy relationship - a track that many listeners can resonate with. This heartfelt venture into self-love is multiplied by ‘Strangers,’ which evokes the wish that she had never met her ex-partner. 

Whilst the EP explores themes of loss and anger, the main outcome is uplifting and positive. ‘Refund’ is fun and playful, emerging with a sense of self-worth and desire to get a ‘refund or return’ for her relationship. ‘Rain’, coloured with an enchanting, electronic soundscape, proclaims the acceptance of her independence with touching melodies and a charming feel. 

Listen to ‘Unsent Love Letters Vol.1’: 

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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