Arts Award Initiative Company Limited

An intro to AAI by the Company Director

Arts Award Initiative Company Limited

When I woke up this morning I decided that today was a great day to start a blog! Why? Well, mainly because it was raining… so I needed to find a nice indoor job, and something to make me feel more cheerful. 

But also because I’ve got quite a lot to say.

I’ll start by introducing myself, and telling you about the company I work for. 

My name is Carol, I’ve enjoyed a long career working with the Arts Award. I started as an Adviser for Bronze, Silver and Gold, almost since the inception of the Award in the UK. I was then a Moderator for 5 years before becoming the Awards Coordinator for a national children’s charity. When the charity lost funding I started my own business in order to offer the Arts Award. 

I’m now the Company Director for Arts Award Initiative (otherwise known as AAI). I look after most of the boring stuff in the office: opening post, filing, taxes, that sort of thing. 

However, not all my life is boring, I also get to do some lovely jobs. My favourite job is answering people’s queries, helping them to get started on their Awards and supporting them if anything goes wrong. 

I’m also the main Adviser for all 41 of the young people taking Gold Arts Award with AAI. They are very talented young people so I really enjoy reading through their work every day. 

My scariest job is maintaining the website because it reaches so many people and is so important to the business, you can find this at, this is quite a daunting task as it’s our first point of contact with the world so I have to get it right!

AAI is quite an exciting place to work. It is an ‘open’ centre, which means that we have young people working with us of every age, enjoying any artform, at every level of the Award. 

AAI has gone online since lockdown, and the young people work into custom-designed study packs, maintaining these is our biggest task everyday. 

We currently have about 450 young people working with us, obviously, I can’t look after all of them by myself, and in my next blog, I’ll talk about the other people who work with AAI, and tell you a little about them.


Arts Award Initiative Company Limited

Arts Award Initiative Company Limited Centre

We offer all levels of the Award to anyone who wants to take one

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