THE HYBRIS Unveils Music Video For "What If"

Alternative Rock Trio based in Germany, France and the US released a music video for their latest track "What If".

The three friends behind THE HYBRIS are back with an impactful message. A few weeks after releasing "What If", a wake-up call track about damages we're causing to our planet, they unveiled a music video to illustrate the message even further.

Global warming and climate changes are clearly hot topics at the moment and THE HYBRIS aimed at bringing more awareness around them.

As they say “We stand in the middle of a burning planet with a match in our hand and an ignorant smile on our face. Our kids will pay for it. Sure, this song won’t change it - but we wanted to give our comment.”

The Alternative Rock trio is not afraid to use its music to convey political messages and we can only encourage them.

Don't forget to follow them: InstagramTwitter

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