7 June 2017
GE17: What Matters To Me
There are many issues that matter to me but in the upcoming General Election I'm going to vote based on the future I definitely don't want to see.
7 June 2017
GE17: Why your vote counts
'It doesn't make any difference'…'They're all the same'
6 June 2017
GE17: Empathy matters to me
With the General Election looming political policies are now, more than ever, a point of constant discussion, but my vote comes down to empathy.
6 June 2017
GE17: Why Vote?
As the next big election approaches, let's take a minute to talk about why voting on Thursday is very important!
6 June 2017
GE17: Climate Change
With Drumpf pulling out of the Paris Agreement, where does that leave climate change for the 2017 election?
3 June 2017
GE17: The rich need to start paying up
It's now critical to address the wealth disparity and create opportunities for everyone.
31 May 2017
GE17: Political cynicism is eroding empathy
Manchester suffered an atrocity and I was preoccupied with political conspiracies
24 April 2017
Cambridge Literary Festival: Virago/New Statesman Prize for Women in Politics and Economics
Where are all the women? That is the question that this talk and Virago and the New Stateman's prize is looking to address.
14 March 2017
Feminism is stronger than ever
Certainly a straightforward but a controversial topic, the left-wing movement has made some very questionable developments in recent years - to the point where people lose hope in its purpose & meaning.
9 February 2017
Feminism: a fight for equality or a struggle for superiority?
When I sat in school learning about the Suffragists and the Suffragettes, I was taught that women had fought to be heard, to earn the right to vote, and to have more control over their lives.
20 December 2016
Leaving the EU: Good or Bad for the Arts?
This is about the implications of leaving the EU in the Arts
23 June 2016
What has the EU done for British arts?
There has been a lot of talk about different aspects of the EU referendum: the economy, immigration and trade being the big talking points, but what impact does the EU have on arts and culture?
20 June 2016
I’m voting Remain in the EU Referendum
I'll be voting to stay in the EU. Will you?
3 June 2016
We need to stay in the EU
The EU isn't perfect, but voting to leave would be insanity