29 September 2017
Tina Dickinson, Bronze and Silver achiever, Gold student
We asked some questions to Tina Dickinson, who is currently doing her Gold Arts Award with 2017-2018 Arts Award Good Practice Centre, Carousel and where she helps out with their disabled-led film festival, Oska Bright Film Festival.
25 September 2017
What goes on at... Carousel?
We caught up with Carousel, one of the 2017-2018 Arts Award Good Practice Centres to see how they use Arts Award so well that they earn the title.
20 September 2017
We are delighted to announce our 10th anniversary season launch party, which takes place at the fabulous Koppel Project on Wednesday 20 September 2017
18 September 2017
Apprenticeships - Why bother?
University is great. Three years of all-nighters, existential crises, ever-looming deadlined, never-ending stress and excessive drinking. Survive that and you come out with a degree and thousands upon thousands of pounds of debt. Compelling, right?
14 September 2017
University isn't the only way
It is around this time that a number of you will be told to begin your UCAS applications, even if it isn't what you want to do. Don't feel that university is the be all or end all though - there are other options!
13 September 2017
Where are they now? with Charlotte White
We caught up with Charlotte White, who, since doing her Bronze Arts Award in Music, has performed at the Paralympics Closing Ceremony and become an Arts Award Advisor.
19 November 2017
ERIC Festival - Advertising & Marketing
ERIC Festival is a revolutionary new type of careers fair, designed for young people, by young people.
6 September 2017
What goes on at... Creative Critics?
Christina Birt has worked for over 25 years developing arts and cultural learning and engagement opportunities for children and young people. Previously working for Royal Opera House education and Director for Creative Partnerships. Currently Director of Christina Birt Projects and education consultant to Arts Council England and Creative & Cultural Skills.
1 September 2017
Joshua Lewis-Handley, Bronze, Silver and Gold achiever
Joshua takes us through his highly detailed Gold Arts Award portfolio wherein he produced the Alderbrook School's 'Spotlight' show all the while finding his feet with photography.
1 September 2017
Are the arts reducing in popularity within schools due to government education reforms?
Joshua Lewis-Handley, from Alderbrook School, re-hashes his Gold Arts Award Unit 1, Part D - Form a View on the popularity of arts subjects.
22 August 2017
What goes on at... Prime Theatre?
Prime Theatre are Swindon's only professional theatre company and they do a lot of terrific work with young people. This year they are one of the UK's ten Arts Award Good Practice Centres and I went in to find out what the company offer for young people throughout the year.
15 August 2017
Get Gold by... being a creative intrapreneur
An intrapreneur is like an entrepreneur - but bringing your enterprising skills to an organisation and driving it forward. So you get to flex your enterprising nature, but without the risk associated of going it alone.
2 August 2017
How to get into the arts: internships and work experience
This is a broad estimation of the situation, but the fundamental part of it is, while the adage 'once you get your foot in, you're set', is true, you need to make sure your footprint is big enough.
23 July 2017
How to write a pitch, by Art UK
We asked Molly Tresadern, Content Creator and Marketer at Art UK, to tell us how to write and send off a professional pitch.
19 July 2017
Cultural Citizens North West: the full story
The Cultural Citizens pilot was set out by former Culture, Media and Sport Secretary, Ed Vaizey.
1 July 2017
What goes on at... St. Bede's and St. Joseph's Catholic College?
We caught up with all of 2017-2018's Arts Award Good Practice Centres about what they do to make the Arts Award framework work so well for them.
12 June 2017
How to stay safe online and look good to employers
Keeping yourself safe online is important. It fosters respect, a comfortable space and the ability to have fun. It also allows you to get the most out of your online interactions and use the internet for research and sharing your views.
11 June 2017
What goes on at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre?
We caught up with the Birmingham Repertory Theatre, the host venue for the first networking event by Young People in the Arts and supported by Arts Award in Birmingham.