We start off with the legendary Ziggy Stardust album by David Bowie, released in 1972 and making an impact. A huge impact. Words simply cannot describe how this album influenced a generation, and possibly music altogether. But, as I have so much respect for Mr Bowie, I'm going to have to digest a dictionary.
What makes this album so wonderful to the ears is the sound first of all; the sounds of traditional 70's glam rock will make even a new listener nostalgic. Back then, glam rock was considered an innovative and rebellious style of pop rock - a sound that reached out to the miserable and insecure teenagers of the early 70s. Of course, this is David Bowie we're talking about - he clearly didn't do just 'reaching out', he made the album a work of art!
How did he do this? Well, who else had the guts to write about a bisexual alien rock star, with sexual ambiguity still a taboo subject at the time, and sing about his rise and eventual self-destruction? The album reveals the dark side of the rock-and-roll lifestyle and career, with themes of drug abuse, obsession, and trying to change the world - but the world sucks the life out of you as a result, easily defined by songs such as Ziggy Stardust and Rock 'n' Roll Suicide. An overall fantastic album brimming with innovation, design, dark themes and a powerful sound. RIP David Bowie, Ziggy will live on forever more.
Next into the ring is the heavy metal legend and Motorhead frontman Lemmy Kilmister, and their album Ace of Spades, released in 1980 and launching the band into heavy metal stardom. This album has been cited as one of greatest heavy metal albums, and I can't disagree - the album's sound and angry lyrics appealed to those angry listeners who were sick and tired of the mainstream.
What stands out most on this record is also quite clearly the sound - the band themselves were a part of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal that took place from the late 70s to the early 80s, and this is the stuff that ensured the wave made an impact. This style of heavy metal ditched its old blues rock roots and fused elements of punk and hard rock to make a hard-hitting and fist-pumping sound that appealed to both punk and metal fans, which is quite clearly shown in Ace of Spades. Add in Lemmy's raw vocals, and you've got yourselves a legend.
The lyrics, unlike Ziggy Stardust's anti-rock star appeal, thrive on sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll. Songs like Love me Like a Reptile and Bite the Bullet just make you want to punch the air with satisfaction. The best thing about the album's fusion of punk is the anger that comes along with it - the album is literally pure rebellion! An awe-inspiring album with power, rage and attitude that will live on for decades to come. RIP Lemmy - thanks to you, heavy metal will never be the same.
What do you guys think? Which legend influenced music more? Let us know why in the comments!