How to: Be a Theatre Producer

Learn all about the life and work of a theatre producer!

About this event

Starts: Saturday 7 May 2016 11:00 AM

Ends: Saturday 7 May 2016 1:00 PM

At: Brighton Spiegeltent Bosco, Old Steine Pleasure Gardens, Brighton, BN1 1GY

Learn all about the life and work of a theatre producer! What is a producer? Who are they? What do they do? Could you be a producer? Come along and find out. Panel discussion with industry experts, followed by Q & A session, and informal networking.

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Brighton Fringe

Brighton Fringe

Brighton Fringe is England's largest arts festival and one of the largest fringe festivals in the world. We set out to stimulate, educate and entertain a diverse range of people through a diverse range of art forms. And all this in an iconic city with unique cultural heritage.

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