Udemy online photography course

‘The Photography Masterclass’

Udemy online photography course

About this event

Starts: Friday 7 September 2018 9:00 AM

Ends: Friday 7 September 2018 5:00 PM

What did you do:

I completed an online course and it was  all about photography. 

The workshop was called  ‘The Photography Masterclass’ and it was put on by an online learning company called ‘Udemy’.  It taught me all the ways to take close pictures and long distance pictures,shutter speed,and long exposure, plus lots more.

Where did you do this:

I did a course called Udemy online.  Because it was online, I was able to do it from home. It was a fourteen hour course, that was broken down into sections that taught me about photography. 

When did you take part and who took part with you:

I took part on a website called Udemy. I worked on it on my own, from home.  I completed a few sections a week for approximately six weeks.  I completed this in Autumn.

Did you do research in advance?(if you used the internet state please also state the sites you visited,insert original evidence eg fliers,photographs of posters ect )

I searched on the internet for online photography courses, I this one was really good, and had a massive discount, so I chose it.

Describe your experience:

I accessed the course online. There was 27 sections and 100 lessons and each video was about 4 minutes long and one to two topics were covered In each section.After a couple of lessons the teacher would challenge me to take some pictures with the new skills i learnt. I really enjoyed the challenges and i was really pleased with some of the results i got.

Did you learn anything new:

I learnt all about Shutter speed and how the longer you leave the shutter open the brighter the picture will be.I also learnt about long distance. And how I can get some really nice pictures over a large amount of space. I also  learnt all about photo depth and if you can get one thing I focus and the rest out of focus it can look really nice. I learnt all of this from the photography course called Udemy.

They taught  me  a bunch of photography skills and one of them was how to get a shallow depth of field

Another thing i learnt was how to change the shutter speed

To allow more or less light into the camera to get a lighter or darker photo.

This photo is much brighter so it gives a much more cheerful look to the picture.

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  • Carol Leach

    On 13 September 2018, 10:15 Carol Leach commented:

    this sounds like an interesting course, and to learn everything from home is great

  • Abi Rose Leach

    On 13 September 2018, 10:28 Abi Rose Leach commented:

    it would have been better working from home as you can practice everything a lot as you learn it, you seem to have learnt loads Lily

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