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About this event

Starts: Friday 19 October 2018 7:30 PM

Ends: Friday 19 October 2018 9:00 PM

At: The Civic, Hanson Street, Barnsley, S70 2HZ

Organised by: The Civic - Barnsley

After successfully touring all over Europe, Catalan company ‘Eia’ bring their award winning acrobatic theatre piece ‘inTarsi’ to the UK for the first time.

Breath-taking acrobatic skills combined with wit, humour and slick choreography make this show a perfect mix for all the family. It’s four guys hanging out, teasing and playing with each other, taunting and supporting each other on an ingenious set that constantly morphs into new landscapes. Sometimes they work together and sometimes against each other, but in the end they are connected by the strong bond that is their common humanity.

‘inTarsi’ asks question about how people relate to each other every day, how we can be lonely in a crowd or feel completely connected when we’re all alone. It does so in a light-hearted way. The performers’ bond with audiences old and young alike by creating reflections that we can all recognize ourselves in.

…a roller coaster of tension and adrenaline, of nervousness and expectationBarcelona Reviews

Tickets £12 | £10 conc | £8 child

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The Civic  Barnsley

The Civic Barnsley

Our artistic programme provides lots of opportunities for children and young people to enjoy and participate in the arts. We regularly host schools visits to our exhibitions and encourage schools to book for performances in the Assembly Room offering supporting workshops with the visiting companies whenever we can.As an arts award supporter and we actively encourage schools and other groups to use us as a resource for learning and creative development.

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