Creative Careers Focus Group

Please join us for a focus group about the advice you received at school about arts careers and how to enter the creative industries.

Creative Careers Focus Group

About this event

Starts: Tuesday 22 May 2018 5:00 PM

Ends: Tuesday 22 May 2018 6:30 PM

At: Room 58, Newton Building, Nottingham Trent University (Nottingham Conference Centre), Burton St, Nottingham NG1 4BU

Organised by: Upstart Projects

We're inviting 18-25 year olds to a focus group about the careers advice you received at school.  Your ideas and experiences will inform future industry thinking about how to promote access to creative careers and so this is a great opportunity to have your voice heard. The discussions will be fed back to the Creative & Cultural Skills Council and Arts Council England.  There'll be free drinks and pizza and a chance to mix with others who might have a similar interest.

Everyone attending the session will be entered in to a hat to win one of two £30 arts vouchers.

The focus group will run from 5pm on 22 May 2018 in the Newton Building of Nottingham Trent University and will take just over an hour. There's also the chance to find out about writing for Voice magazine which can include free press event tickets - so we hope you'll get lots out of just a little time.

If you have any questions at all you're welcome to get in touch with Emrys or Diana on [email protected].  For now, you can register for your free place at:


Voice Magazine

Voice Magazine

Voice is a magazine and platform for young creatives covering arts, culture, politics and technology. This account contains anonymous posts, information regarding the website and our events.

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