Maddie Drury, Bronze, Silver, and Gold achiever

Voice Reporter, Maddie is a vlogger and budding journalist and trained at the York Theatre Royal where she achieved the three highest levels of Arts Award.

Maddie Drury, Bronze, Silver, and Gold achiever

What level(s) of Arts Award have you done?

Bronze, silver, gold

What art form(s) did you take part in?


What events did you go to?

Deaf Men Dancing, Peter Pan, My Fair Lady, The Wind in the Willows, The Railway Children, Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Tell us about who and what was featured as your arts hero, artists you worked with, and cultural organisations you visited

Arts hero, Mike Kenny – a brilliant playwright and local to York and visited the Edinburgh Fringe – always an amazing experience but reviewing it at a young age was such great fun!

How did you share your arts skills or lead your own projects?

I created a performance with my friend using a variety of elements; props, sound, script work. We performed it in front of our Youth Theatre – a great success!

What kind of portfolio did you create?

I conducted it all on paper and created a scrapbook-esque portfolio of all my work…I'm still very proud of it!

If you did Gold, tell us about your opinion piece

My debate questioned the role of children performing on talent shows – I came to the conclusion children over the age of 10 should be allowed with parental consent…but it took a lot of discussion!

What was most valuable to you personally?

The respect it gave the arts. Through Arts Award I was able to legitimise certain aspects of theatre that are typically seen as easy and lack effort. I was able to value planning and evaluation, thinking thoroughly through a process to perfection instead of doing a slap dash job.

What did you find inspiring?

The connections with other Arts Award members or moderators. We all bounced off each other and engaged in interesting discussion that provided great material for our portfolios.

What was challenging?

Finding the contacts. Digging to get in touch with people I was inspired by in the industry was hard, but once I had found them, our conversations were invaluable!

What are you going to do next – and has Arts Award helped you?

Arts Award has allowed me to develop my organisational skills to no end, and has given be a level of professionalism and maturity from a young age that not everyone has acquired. I will take these skills into my future career as a journalist!

How did you get involved with Arts Award?

Through my local Youth Theatre (York Theatre Royal)

Who gave you the most help and inspiration?

Kate Veysey, who have me guidance throughout and set me achievable targets to keep pushing for creativity.


Bhavesh Jadva

Bhavesh Jadva Voice Team

Former Media Editor on Voice and former Arts Award Editor on AAoV covering film, TV, music and comedy.

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  • Emrys Green

    On 30 March 2017, 12:51 Emrys Green Voice Team commented:

    Sounds like a great gold award Maddy! And ofcourse helped by one of the best advisers out there (Kate was mine 10 years ago!)

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