5 March 2018
Diversity in the Arts
Peshkar Gold Arts Award participant and Member of Oldham Youth Council Samah Khalil discusses her view on Diversity in the Arts.
27 February 2018
EDAW: Why I waited, and why you mustn’t
The following is a submission from a former sufferer of an eating disorder. They have asked to stay anonymous.
25 February 2018
Making Gods-eye video tutorial
This is a tutorial on how to make Gods-eye.
22 February 2018
House on a cliff model
This is a model of a house on a cliff.
I also made a video about it. https://youtu.be/4gQg1N1n-8w
19 February 2018
Feminist February - Reading Challenge
Ellen Orange is spending February reading feminist fiction - find out why she started this challenge.
16 February 2018
Why are we struggling to achieve the Feminist goal?
Feminism: The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes
16 February 2018
Is YouTube a dying platform?
YouTube has been completely central to internet culture for years; but the platform has taken several monumental turns in recent months which could very well lead to its ultimate decline.
11 February 2018
Should we stop sneaking around Dumbledore's sexuality?
Eleven years ago, J.K. Rowling sated the appetites of her young audience by announcing that, despite not writing him explicitly as such, Albus Dumbledore was gay.
6 February 2018
The glamorisation of smoking in art
Glamorisation is smoking is evident throughout art over the centuries from artists including Picasso and Van Gogh. The influence this has had is extremely broad and has lead to it feeding into other types of media including film and music including popular songs such as 'Castle On A Hill.'
2 February 2018
Social media is creating artificial activism
The 2018 Golden Globe Awards proved to be controversial, for reasons other than the winners. The occasion became primarily a stage upon which countless celebrities projected their views on the recent exposure of the corruption in Hollywood.
1 February 2018
Brexiters furious as inevitable Brexit outcomes become reality
What do you mean we can't have our cake and eat it?
26 January 2018
Oggi parlo solo italiano
New year, new resolve…yes I’m going to become fluent in Italian!
26 January 2018
#TBT: Top 10 Songs of the 1980s
A decade that had almost everything - big hair, neon lights, synth pop, ballads, Michael Jackson, double denim (ew), shell suits (EWW), MTV and the birth of CDs! Above all else was the music that continues to be loved by many - here are 10 songs that hit us hard with the 1980’s nostalgia.