Piera van de Wiel brings your track of the summer, activism included

Look no further than Piera van de Wiel’s ‘Love Is Meant For You’ for your feelgood track of the summer. Characterised by an airy vocal and acoustic instrumentation, this is a breezy pop song for sunny days spent with your loved ones.

Piera van de Wiel brings your track of the summer, activism included

Look no further than Piera van de Wiel’s ‘Love Is Meant For You’ for your feelgood track of the summer. Characterised by an airy vocal and acoustic instrumentation, this is a breezy pop song for sunny days spent with your loved ones. Oh, and did we mention? It’s really gay.

Piera van de Wiel has a name which is as much known in activism circles as it is on the music scene. Piera is more than just a pop artist, she is also the founder of her collective Stronger With Music that promotes the importance of music and mental health and music and social impact. She has worked and performed with NGOs globally, including the Barefoot College International, Applaud Our Kids Foundation at 54 Below, Songs for Love fundraiser for the Trevor Project, the Aspire Artemis Foundation, and has sung at the United Nations Headquarters in New York for International Women’s Day sponsored by the Mission of Djibouti, and at other UN sponsored events around the world, including the Regional STEAM & Innovation Symposia in St Lucia with Aspire Artemis, UN Women and Microsoft. 

With her music, she hopes to benefit others; from her single release in 2019 “Come Back Home” which was written to aid humanitarian efforts in the Abacos Bahamas that was destroyed by Hurricane Dorian. This song has been recognized, and received a Silver Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Listener Impact at the Global Music Awards for independent artists. Her single release “Used” has been supported by the United Nations Spotlight Initiative in order to raise funds for women and girls that have suffered or are suffering from domestic violence. Her latest single “Hold You in a Month” played on BBC Introducing, a vulnerable heart breaking piece during lockdown and her hope to hold the ones she loves once this is all over. 

But, as if all that wasn’t enough, Piera has turned to her own identity as a member of the LGBTQ+ community when releasing her latest single, ‘Love Is Meant For You’. It deals with that initial feeling of crushing on a cute someone, and focuses on the celebration and joy that she has found in F/F relationships. It’s joy as activism, presenting a happy and carefree side to the LGBTQ+ community which is so often overlooked in mainstream media.

Whimsical, captivating, and filled with joy and pride, the LGBTQ+ anthem ‘Love Is Meant For You’ is out now, with the music video to follow soon.

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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