8 games you can play IRL with friends

As restrictions on social interaction begin to ease, the team at Voice Magazine have come up with a list of face-to-face games that we’d recommend for a fun time with friends or family!

8 games you can play IRL with friends

Face-to-face games have been rendered largely unplayable over the past year, given the several lockdowns that have happened globally. However, now that restrictions on social mixing are gradually being lifted, here are a few games that you can play with others!


b58618fac0fdadb446fb16886ec0a85b4ff05a1d.jpgA game fit for destroying friendships and families, Monopoly is a classic that revolves around the buying and selling of different-coloured properties to eventually bankrupt other players. Chance and Community Chest cards that can be picked up as players roll dice to move around the board add an extra dimension of uncertainty – the infamous ‘Go to Jail’ is one such card which can be a huge inconvenience (or a lifesaver!). Whichever way your luck turns, you’re sure to have a memorable time playing Monopoly!

Trivial Pursuit

26d134062c204782539392b159516aba32196dcf.jpegAs the title suggests, Trivial Pursuit is a game where a player’s knowledge of pop culture and trivia comes into play. As players move their pieces around a board, they have to answer questions on a variety of topics, including history, sports & leisure, and entertainment, among others. If you want to switch things up, many themed editions of the game are also available, with Friends, Harry Potter, Doctor Who and more!

Photo: "Trivial Pursuit"by unloveablesteve is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Cards Against Humanity


Is there anything better than getting together with your friends and laughing about how dark and horrific each other's humour is? Yes? Well, Cards Against Humanity probably isn't for you then. But for those of a darker disposition, it's the perfect light-hearted game to play in a group, and get some well-deserved belly laughs after being away from each other during the last lockdown.



For those wanting something a little more family-based, I recommend Cluedo. A game of mystery and intrigue, it's a nostalgic 'who dunnit' classic. There are several varieties now, ranging from the Simpsons, Star Wars and Zelda, but I recommend the original edition. Was it Miss Scarlett with the candlestick in the study? Or was it Mr Plum in the kitchen with the poison? Become your own detective and uncover the mystery.

"Cluedo"by somersetman is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Guess Who

c01c6261275f1def28d965e259bc0be410163fa6.jpegThis classic game has had a revival in recent months thanks to TikTok. The aim is to pick a character from the tabs laid out before you, and your opponent has to guess which character you’ve picked by asking questions about them. TikTok has adapted the game into a ‘subjective guess who’ by ascribing modern personality traits to the cartoon faces, with questions that can get extremely specific, like ‘Does your person look like they would ever go on Love Island?’. You can relate the subjective questions to shared interests and experiences between you and your friends for a hilarious game.

"Guess Who?"by unloveablesteve is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0



Steady hands are needed for this one, as players take turns removing wooden blocks from a carefully arranged tower. Some strategies include only taking a block from the middle of the tower and removing it very slowly, but ultimately it’s down to luck. One way to adapt the game further is to write truths and dares on each block so that players pick them out at random, upping the ante.



Uno is a fast-paced card game that sees you match cards either by matching colour or value and play action cards, to change things up. What makes this game great is that you can create your own ‘House’ rules changing blank cards to whatever you want, from dares to card forfeits. Always remember that this game should be fun but never personal.

"The Uno Game 3/6"by LeeVisions is licensed under CC BY 2.0



A glamorised Snap, Dobble is another card game that consists of you finding a similarity with the card before and once you have placed all your cards down, you're the winner. What makes Dobble different, is that due to the images on these cards and the fast nature of the game, you will find yourself stalling as your friends seem to find every match possible. You can get different themes such as Harry Potter, Marvel or the Minions – definitely something for everyone.

"Dobble playing card"by Leo Reynolds is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Let us know what game you’re most looking forward to playing with others in the comments!

Ali Muzaffar, Elle Farrell-Kingsley, Claire Jenns and De-Mornae Clarke contributed to this article.


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