Is This Scotland's answer to Paul Simon?

Andrew Dickson Returns With a Taste of Country Magic..

Is This Scotland's answer to Paul Simon?

After touring with Ferris & Sylvester in late 2019 Scotland’s Acoustic renegade, Andrew Dickson returns in stunning fashion with his Americana tinged single, ‘Take Your Time’. If anything good has come from the Pandemic perhaps it’s the time and space to reflect upon decisions and take a step back. The track explores the importance of taking time to make decisions and explores the pressures exerted onto younger generations to react fast and decisively with big decisions. The songs as easy as a summers day perfect for cruising along the highway too with the wind in your hair, or for those moments you you want to embrace the freedom of a weekend.

Recorded in London’s legendary Snap! studios, and mastered in New York by mastering legend Randy Merrill. Andrew draws upon the masters of 70s American rock; emulating Neil Young, Paul Simon and Tom Petty, complete with reverb soaked snare drums and a huge anthematic chorus this is a song that hangs rather welcomely in your head. After touring in late 2019 with Ferris & Sylvester and winning over BBC Scotland’s Janice Forsyth with his last release Andrew Dickson is certainly someone to lend an ear too and i'm very much looking forward to seeing his video when it drops on the 28th of May

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Laurie Farmer

Laurie Farmer

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