Freya has done a review on the marvel move, IRON MAN, for her Marvellous bronze arts award. 

this is her review on IRON MAN

When Tony Stark is captured, he gains a shrapnel wound, meaning that Ho Yinsen has to create a magnetic force that keeps the shrapnel from Tony’s chest. Tony constructs a high-tech armoured suit to escape. Once he manages to escape, he decides to use his suit to fight against evil forces, destroying his own weapons, to save the world. He succeeds to destroy many them, using his new creation high-tech robotic and armoured suit, IRON MAN, but now has to fight against his old friend, Obadiah Stane, who has a more powerful robotic suit than even he. In the finale, Virginia “pepper” Potts manages to kill Stane by explosion.

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Steph Ladybird

Steph Ladybird

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  • Steph Ladybird

    On 30 July 2020, 10:59 Steph Ladybird commented:

    Well done Freya!! love it!

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