Mental Health Awareness Week

Last week was mental health awareness week, and so I wanted to talk today about some suggestions for how best to look after your mental health during quarantine…

Mental Health Awareness Week

Last week was mental health awareness week, and so I wanted to talk today about some suggestions for how best to look after your mental health during quarantine… As an ambassador for So Happy In Town, I wanted to remind you all that the most important thing to remember is that #itsoktofeelshit - and if you do feel bad, tell someone!

In fact, that’s my first tip. Talk out your feelings, even if you’re speaking to thin air, or to one of your teddies! Talking about mental health is so important, and it will help you feel like those dark thoughts are not just stuck inside your head. Journaling could also help too!

My next tip is do boring self care - it doesn’t have to mean face masks and an elaborate yoga sequence. Just getting up and having a shower is an achievement these days, so go do that, put on some clean clothes that make you feel good to wear them, maybe do some laundry. Definitely make sure you eat something healthy and get out of bed for at least some of the day!

Fresh air is also super important, especially when you’re stuck inside all day. Make sure that, even if it’s just opening a window, you get some deep breaths in, and it will do you a world of good. 

Move your body! Now, again, not necessarily meaning a whole elaborate yoga sequence, but some gentle stretching, a walk around the block if it is safe and legal to do so in your neighborhood, a solo dance party - these are all great ways to let your body know that you still care for it, plus it will help you get a little bit out of your head as well!

I really hope these tips help if you have been feeling a little overwhelmed by everything. Remember that it’s totally okay to feel like that right now, the world is a scary place! Know that you are not alone, and that there are people who love and care for you. I promise that this too shall pass.

Xo, Giulia.

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Giulia Donà dalle Rose

Giulia Donà dalle Rose

Hi, I’m a musician all the way from sunny Italy with a passion for all things travel, music and cultural! I hope you enjoy reading through some of my musings about my travels and experiences of living in London…

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