We caught up with Kris James for a chat!

As well as imparting some stellar advice for how to preserve your mental health during quarantine, Kris James has teased us with the name of his next release… ‘Naive’...

We caught up with Kris James for a chat!

A mysterious name indeed… What's the song about?

The song is about being in a toxic situation where you don’t realise how badly the other person is treating you until you remove yourself from the situation. This is a song for all the survivors out there who end up having the last laugh, it’s a song about overcoming adversity!

What is your one piece of advice for staying sane in isolation?

My top tips for keeping happy in isolation are, make sure you keep to a daily routine, this is very important. Get up, get washed, do your workout, plan your day. If you’re a musician, write some lyrics down, make some nice food.

What tunes have you been blasting to keep your spirits up?

My favourite song for getting myself going in the morning is ‘I’m walking on sunshine’ by Katrina and the waves! Other than that, one of my own songs to stay positive and motivated is ‘Get Back To Love’.

When this is all over, what can we expect next from you? Debut album… please?!

My debut album is coming, yes! It’s called The Highs and Lows of Life and I’m super proud of it. When I pick up an album, I want to love the whole thing, not just tracks one, four and eight. My mindset whilst writing was that if this proves to be the last thing I ever release, I want it to be a definitive statement; to be the best it can be.

Where can we find you and stay up to date?

You can get my music on all platforms and all across my social media including TikTok, why don’t you all go and do a dance to one of my songs on there!  Check out my profiles and why not give me a cheeky follow on @MrKrisJames across all platforms whilst you’re there!  

Thanks so much Kris! We certainly will!

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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