Allegra's Debut Release Soars to Number 2 in the Commercial and Upfront Dance Charts.

Young Talent Allegra begins the year with a band with the release of 'All About Us'

Allegra's Debut Release Soars to Number 2 in the Commercial and Upfront Dance Charts.

Allegra always knew she was destined for a career in music - she just wasn't sure what area that would be. Well, that is until she partnered up with Audio Freaks and Chris Herbert (who masterminded the Spice Girls) to create 'All About Us', her debut release that has since soared to number 2 in the commercial and upfront dance charts.

Written by Allegra herself (which is rare for such a young artist), the single tells a story of a love that prevails against the odds, with the lesson being that those we love are always deserving of time and appreciation - a wise message from such a young artist and something we could all learn from. 

Starting with sweeping synths, the track is soon taken up a gear by the introduction of Allegra's commanding vocals. She manages to sing with real emotion and conviction meaning that the sentiment of the track is truly felt by those listening. The songs meaningful lyrics are in contrast with it's upbeat musicality which results in a track that is as playful and optimistic as it is sincere.

'All About Us' has already attracted some serious industry and commercial success having reached number 2 in the commercial and upfront dance charts, and Allegra is looking to continue this success with the imminent release of the accompanying music video and the forthcoming release of new material. Check out 'All About Us' below, and get ready to hear a lot more from this talented young musician...

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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  • Emrys Green

    On 25 January 2019, 10:00 Emrys Green Voice Team commented:

    Nice sum up of the track PJH. Thanks for sharing. Would be great to know a bit more about your interests in your bio if you could add something too?

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