Silver Arts Award: Day 7 Summer Fashion School London

Final day in the studio.  Finished my shorts, and just a few things to add to my sketchbook.

Silver Arts Award: Day 7 Summer Fashion School London

Challenge: Prepare a costing sheet

Rachel had shown me a costing sheet when I visited Sienna Couture but I’d never done one myself before.  For this I had to draw a sketch of my shorts, front and back.  Write out step by step how I had made my shorts and then work out how much of each material I used and then work out the total cost.
As a guide I used a price of £7.50 per metre for everything.

798ad2bba97195f2f5ae31af2bd61322d402d094.jpgChallenge: Prepare for a lunchtime show

Kensington and Chelsea College has a downstairs exhibition room split into cubicles so each student had their own place to display their work on a mannequin and a chair for their sketchbooks. Rather than pin my shorts to the mannequin I decided to put them on a hanger so people could easily see the front and back.  

Kerry and Caroline presented me with my certificate and lots of parents came to look round and said lovely things about my sketchbook.

Hooray! I have successfully completed my challenge to design and make an item of clothing using a sewing machine.  It has been a very intense 7 days but I have learnt so much and had great fun doing it.


Evie Wildish

Evie Wildish

I've completed my Bronze and Silver Awards and am now working towards my Gold. I enjoy art, writing, fashion and would like to become a designer in the future.

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  • The Summer Fashion School London

    On 13 August 2018, 11:18 The Summer Fashion School London commented:

    Evie - This is a remarkable achievement on your part. I love how you assume responsibility by making your own decisions for each step of the way, e.g.'Rather than pin my shorts to the mannequin I decided to put them on a hanger so people could easily see the front and back.'

  • Luke Taylor

    On 14 August 2018, 09:35 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    Great work, Evie! I'm very happy for you; are you close to finishing your Arts Award now?

  • Isobel Fairs

    On 29 November 2018, 16:51 Isobel Fairs commented:

    Wow it's amazing what your doing!👌👍

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