Silver Arts Award: Day 4 Summer Fashion School London

A day in the studio learning how to trace, pin and cut patterns.  An exclusive talk at Chelsea Library uncovered some of the best online resources in the world.  And they are not available on Google!

Silver Arts Award: Day 4 Summer Fashion School London

Today was the 5 activity challenge.

Challenge 1:  trace pattern onto pattern paper and cut to make own pattern

I pinned th6b05c985f68c8db770a41a8a97a5fddb1ca05eeb.JPGe pattern onto the tracing paper, drew round it in pencil and cut it out.
I found this quite easy and fun.

Challenge 2:  Match the paper pattern to the fabric, going with the grain and lining up the arrows, and pinning in place

Kerry showe6270747b19c498cadad36c182b7aefbc8b695839.JPGd me how to make sure the paper pattern was lined up the right way to go with the grain, but I did stab myself quite a few times pinning it to the fabric.  

Need to ask for tips on how to pin. (later addition: Caroline suggested imagining a sleeping lion you don't want to wake, keep the fabric flat and weave in and out. Might need to practise this.)

Challenge 3:  Use a pattern to cut out fabric


I have cut out fabric before so this was OK. 12ac678a10f40c3413cb1d12542608ec4e9a376a.jpg

Kerry showed me how to cut on the table without lifting the fabric up.  The scissors were big and heavy but very sharp, so cut really well.

I have designed some multi-coloured shorts, inspired by Frida Kahlo, so here I am cutting out black and red fabric, using the paper pattern I made. 

Challenge 4:  Try different embroidery stitches on the sewing machine


It was fun seeing how all the different stitches worked.  

You match the design letter on the side of the machine with the dial, and put your foot down.

The machine has 20 different designs to choose from, but it is quite tricky getting an even line of stitches.  I think this is because you have to think about controlling the speed of the machine with your foot, and control the movement of the fabric with your hands.  This will definitely need more practise.

Challenge 5:  Sew trims onto fabric

aa76c62acf6cd1cf9404c4977b6385559c908803.jpgThis was even tricker than the embroidery stitching but I am starting to get better control of the foot pedal, so I can concentrate on getting the trimming in a straight line.  

Ta Daa!  I did it! 

Really pleased with how today went.  I have learned so much and am really starting to enjoy using the sewing machine.  


Evie Wildish

Evie Wildish

I've completed my Bronze and Silver Awards and am now working towards my Gold. I enjoy art, writing, fashion and would like to become a designer in the future.

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  • Luke Taylor

    On 8 August 2018, 10:14 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    Great job, Evie! I love your interest in fashion

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