Being grateful for people

Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity to, well, give thanks- but we should seek to appreciate wider aspects as much as the smaller details.

Being grateful for people

Just as each summer is the brightest ever, and each dog the best, every year seems the quickest to pass- but 2017 really has felt exceptionally fleeting. What I've learned to appreciate this year isn't the standard object, feeling, place, or event- but instead, is far more general. It's just…people. I'm grateful for people- my family and friends, for supporting me when I need it the most, for inexplicably being right beside me at the perfect moments, for laughing with me, and crying with me. Strangers, for smiling back in the street, for stopping me to compliment my shoes, for moving their bag to make space on a busy train. Teachers, for pushing me, and catching me when I fall. My role models, for inspiring me, even shaping me. Every single person I haven't yet met- for leaving your tiny, monumental marks on the world we share, for me to see and perhaps connect to you one day. Every person you come into contact with will have an impact on you, or you on them, or sometimes it may be mutual. I urge you to appreciate every person with a role, no matter how active or passive, in your life. Because once you do, the world certainly seems a great deal warmer- and that's the attitude we must carry with us into 2018.


Franki Hay

Franki Hay Contributor

16-year-old IB student and aspiring writer, liable to developing strong opinions.

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  • Innis Major

    On 23 November 2017, 10:49 Innis Major commented:

    Great Article Franki I think general appreciation for people is something everyone should have and we could all learn from each other a lot more in the world if we did.

  • Luke Taylor

    On 23 November 2017, 10:53 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    I love this. All year I've been saying "I hate people", but now that I think about it, no one is the same - Yes, you will meet people you won't get on with, and meet complete weirdos. But no-one thinks about how we all need each other, especially in times like these. We need strength in unity, and loneliness is the most painful thing a human can feel. From something as small as holding the door open to someone, to something as big as starting a relationship, these things matter. We need to love each other, not hate each other.

  • Diana Walton

    On 27 November 2017, 10:31 Diana Walton Voice Team commented:

    I totally agree Franki - like ourselves, most people are looking for connection and warmth, and they too are grateful for respect, courtesy and friendliness.

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