GE17: Empathy matters to me

With the General Election looming political policies are now, more than ever, a point of constant discussion, but my vote comes down to empathy.

GE17: Empathy matters to me

'Politics' has got to be one of the hottest words of the moment in in the UK and rightly so, the election is just days away. However, politics is so much more than policy, politics is people. The election is between me and you, between all of us. Whether you identify in the left, right, middle or upside down the way you do or don't vote is a choice for the better or the worse.

Empathy is integral to our decision making as human beings and it should not be used as a pawn. Living in the media and technology heavy world that we do, empathy is moulded and manipulated just as often as statistics by politicians and papers. Depending on what media you follow, be that through Facebook and Twitter, a daily newspaper or otherwise, what you see will affect how you perceive the road to 'betterness'. Our Content Editor covered this in a separate post, so I won't go into damaging media agenda, I will however go into damaging human agenda.

I have had to access one public service or another all of my life. I don't just mean school or the odd GP appointment, I mean hospitals and specialist units and bursaries and benefits. Through shared circumstance I have spoken to many around me who are either 'just about managing' or just about holding their lives together and the lack of empathy shown in Conservative politics sickens all of us. Listening to Conservative politicians state that they cannot excuse the suffering of audience members when confronted on television, such as on Friday's Question Time 'debate', and contradict themselves with cuts cuts cuts suggests a disregard for those in need - and everyone of us will be a person in need at a time in our life.

Empathy matters to me, in my relationships with those I love, those I know and those I don't. To not care is to let people suffer. The system, as current, isn't working. People are dying due to shortfalls in funding and regardless of political orientation that cannot be excused.

On 8 June I implore you to vote with empathy for those that might not be able to thank you come next week, next month or next year if the Tory cuts keep coming.

Image credit: Sean MacEntee


Sally Trivett

Sally Trivett Voice Team

Sally Trivett is a UK based artist and educator. She has recently graduated from Wimbledon College of Art, and is currently studying for her PGCE in Primary Education.

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  • Bhavesh Jadva

    On 6 June 2017, 22:41 Bhavesh Jadva Voice Team commented:

    This was a very interesting read. I think it's fairly obvious but at the same time people think that you should vote logically not viscerally. I think there is an important balance between the two skewed towards the empathic.
    At the same time the big questions is can we afford to vote with emotionally rather than pragmatically, so to speak?

  • Sally Trivett

    On 6 June 2017, 23:14 Sally Trivett Voice Team commented:

    I do understand what you're saying and you raise an important point that I hadn't explicitly discussed above but I think the emotional side and logical side both feed into each other. It's not pragmatic to allow those vulnerable within society to suffer, nor is it to sit tight and hope for the best whilst voting for a system that exacerbates the problem. Even those who financially may benefit from a Tory government must ask themselves whether they can then afford to pay private sector prices for things that were once free, such as medical care. Whether we're aware of it or not, we all live in our own versions of reality and that is an easier thought than that we might be one or two pay checks or life choices away from crisis and in need of compassion and care.

  • Bhavesh Jadva

    On 8 June 2017, 20:08 Bhavesh Jadva Voice Team commented:

    Ah how interesting. I fear too few Tory voters who vote based on kinder taxes for the rich don't consider the price of privatisation for the rich and poor alike.

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