Deja-View: The Inbetweeners and American Pie 2

Exams are almost done and summer's right around the corner, why not dive into a teen movie that celebrates the end of school.

Deja-View: The Inbetweeners and American Pie 2

But what to watch you may ask. Well, you have The Inbetweeners movie which has some incredibly funny moments, but you also have the classic American Pie 2 that still holds up. For those of you born in the early noughties you might not have heard about American Pie. It's basically the American version of the Inbetweeners, and the original gross out comedy. I can tell you that both movies are pretty much the same, it doesn't matter which you pick! Here are ten reasons why...

  1. Both movies are about a group of (slightly nerdy) friends who take a trip from summer after a year at uni.


There's the awkward, brainy one who sort of the main character, the tall one, the one who's obsessed over his school crush and the one who always seems to be over compensating for something.


At the start of the movies, something hideously embarrassing happens to the characters when their parents happen to walk in. Ahem.


The hapless friends decide to go to a place where there's beach, babes, and booze to have fun and get lucky.


One of the characters finds out his school crush is at the same place and sets out on a quest to win her heart. In the middle of the film, there's a funny scene where one of the characters is caught naked holding their privates in public. Of course, the surrounding crowds point and laugh, as you do. There's a scene where one of the characters get into a really sticky situation where something disgusting happens. The less said of this, the better. The group go to this big ass party. The guy obsessed with the girl realises she's not all that and decides to go after the girl who actually wanted him.


Eventually they all find the right girls for them and all their Summer party dreams come true.

These are both great movies to remind you it's summer and have a laugh with your mates. Both have crude moments that are laughable and enjoyable, but American pie still holds up to date after 15 years. The scenes may be funnier in The Inbetweeners movie, but Stifler will always be remembered.


Idriss Assoumanou

Idriss Assoumanou Contributor

Idriss is a Film Maker and photographer based in Birmingham. He has directed and produced many films over the years and has mentored a lot of people on their first journey into film making. He likes to write articles based on art and creativity, like his industry 'how to…' guides, where he explains and shares his experiences in film making and other areas. He also films and edits professional showreel scenes for actors to add to their portofio.

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