Last Friday evening viewers all across the UK sat in their living rooms watching the finale of the BBC's The Traitors Season Three. Two Fridays ago, we witnessed the departure from the process of a legend – Leon.
Coming into the game Leon was a quiet character, yet that stands starkly opposite the impact he had. Narrowly escaping defeat during The Death Match challenge, Leon re-entered the castle to an abundance more suspicions than he left it with, with the other players feeling certain that there must be at least one player from The Death Match acting as a Traitor – and thus Leon marginally won the vote for banishment, and departed from the castle for the final time, a Faithful until the end.
This week, I had the incredible opportunity of hearing from the man himself more about his time in the game.
With so many Reality TV shows around these days, the first thing I wanted to find out was, what made Leon pick The Traitors specifically to apply for? Leon shared that 'my youngest son is Autistic and The Traitors was the first thing other than a film or programme he was interested in, that he watched with me and his Mum. It felt really good watching something together as a family. He got really into it and we got talking about whether he would like to be a 'Traitor' or 'Faithful', and from that moment I knew I had to apply.'
'We see a range of emotions on display throughout the game, but if you had to sum up your whole experience in just three words, what would they be?'
'Exhilarating, mesmerising, phenomenal.
I've chosen these words as this experience has honestly meant the world to me. To walk around the grounds of the castle, meet some new lifetime friends and to see how this juggernaut of a TV show is made has been absolutely amazing and I would recommend it to absolutely everyone who asks.'
'We've previously heard from candidates about who they immediately felt wary of heading into the game, but who did you see as your biggest threats?'
'Weirdly, I didn't see anyone as a threat when I first met them, as I love interacting with new people and getting to know what makes them tick. Armani however was someone I instantly thought could be a Traitor as she had a strong personality from the offset.'
'We saw so much tension come to a head at round tables throughout the course of the game, but what would you say was the most intense round table moment for you?'
'It's probably when Tyler got banished. Tyler's banishment was really hard to take, especially as we got it so wrong; it was also the break up of the infamous “clique”. It was hard to go against a friend in that sense which made the atmosphere and tension become unbearable at points. It felt like that round table went on forever too!'
'Ahh yes, the clique. That provided stellar TV viewing for most of us, but what we really want to know is - clique, or click?'
'Definitely “clique”! But in all honesty, the whole cast are my “clique” for life now.'
'Talking about the cast, which of them would you say was the most persuasive Faithful?'
'I'd say me!!
To be honest I'm not too sure really as I feel in this game, unless you have your own gut feeling about someone or something, it's very easy to be swayed by anybody. You have so little to go on sometimes, so when somebody does have some “evidence” it's easy to buy into it.'
'On an entirely different note, the castle looked incredible on screen, but which was your personal favourite room?'
'I'd probably say the billiards room as I loved how big and inviting it was. I have fond memories of us as a big group in there, sitting around, chatting, playing snooker etc. I loved how it had a fireplace too.
But, honourable shout out for the breakfast room and the bar as they were great rooms too...actually, everywhere was great! I wish I could go back.'
'And final question - if you could go back in time and change one thing about the way that you played, what would it be, and why?'
'I wish I had kept my vote for Linda instead of Dan as maybe I may have not been put in a death match! Linda would have been banished that night if the votes had not been turned to Dan, which would potentially have led to a different outcome of The Death Match players chosen.'
'Leon, thank you so much for sharing this all with us.'
I hope you've enjoyed this interview – if you're now feeling inspired to apply for The Traitors yourself, you can do so here.