My mum signed up to the Globe Theatre online Player. Here you can order copies of stage production recordings and stream them at home.
We did a backstage tour of the Globe in August. On this post you'll find a picture of me and my mum outside the building and some pictures of the stage from our tour. I haven’t been to a live show there but my mum has. It was good to watch a performance from that stage online, as I’ve seen it in real life.
Because I am studying The Tempest and using the play for Unit 2 of my Silver Arts Award I decided this would be a good play to watch and review. It is a 2013 production.
I will also be reviewing a pantomime as a live theatre visit.
I enjoyed watching a performance of something I am reading, because I knew what was happening and who the characters were.
Shakespeare is difficult to understand and the actors said their lines with lots of expressions and used their bodies to help with making what they were saying easier to understand.
I didn’t know any of the actors in the cast but they were all very good and my mum said some of them are very famous.
The Tempest, by William Shakespeare is set on an island and the main character is Prospero who is a magician. He has a daughter called Miranda and two slaves – Caliban and Ariel. He was betrayed by his brother and uses magic to get to see him again and get revenge before forgiving.
Here is a video of me talking about the online production of The Tempest and reviewing it.In the video I talk about my first impressons of Act 1, then about Prospero and then the end of the final play. I watched the play in 2 halves one at a time, with a break in between.