One-To-Watch: SHAB Sets Her Sights On Stardom

Singer-songwriter and activist SHAB has been teasing her upcoming album 'One Suitcase' throughout 2024, solidifying her position as a star set to shine brightly throughout 2025.

One-To-Watch: SHAB Sets Her Sights On Stardom

With a string of singles including the radiant 'Afterglow', co-written with Damon Sharpe and JHart, and the evocative 'Swerve', her bold world-pop is poised to make an impact. 

Garnering over 13 million streams worldwide, SHAB has charmed audiences and critics alike with her sophisticated style. Since performing on her first arena tour alongside JLS in 2023 and reaching Top 40 charts, her impressive streak continues, ensuring her name is one to remember across several continents. 

'One Suitcase' is not just an album, but a heartfelt story of SHAB's personal journey. The singer-songwriter fled the Iranian revolution at a young age, seeking a new life and traveling to New York with all her positions in one suitcase. After balancing jobs, learning English and attending university, SHAB discovered a passion for music - and sought out a career as a singer-songwriter. This incredible path to success inspired the themes of this vibrant sophomore offering, drawing from her self-discovery and unwavering resilience. 

Shedding light on her deeply inspiring story, SHAB has now partnered with Choose Love - a UK-based charity supporting refugees worldwide, who have previously collaborated with the likes of Harry Styles, Coldplay and Dua Lipa.

If you're looking for a new favourite artist or the perfect music to kick off your 2025, look no further than the captivating SHAB...

Follow SHAB: Instagram | YouTube | Twitter | Spotify | Facebook 

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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