Livvy Lauren Is The Name To Remember For 2025

Searching for your new favourite artist? Look no further than emerging pop talent Livvy Lauren, whose 2025 set to be a defining year.

Livvy Lauren Is The Name To Remember For 2025

“Felt Love,” Livvy’s debut single produced by the renowned JungleBoi, marked her arrival in the pop scene with a bang. The track, first featured on the hit TV show Love Island, captivated audiences with its infectious rhythm, catapulting her into the spotlight and cementing her status as a name to remember. 

But Livvy isn’t just about addictive club anthems. Her duet “Another Sad Song” reveals a more personal side to her distinct style. Partnering with Maddox Jones, Livvy delivers an emotional performance that highlights her gift for heartfelt songwriting. Whilst the track has made its impression, the artist has already embraced arenas alongside Jones, performing the track on tour with none other than Will Young.

Following a beloved passion for music since a young age, Livvy draws influences from soul, jazz, and classical music, crafting a characterful sound that is both hypnotic and emotionally resonant. As 2025 approaches, Livvy Lauren is undeniably an artist poised for greatness - one whose star is only just beginning to rise.

Watch The Video For "Another Sad Song"

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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