UNIT 2 - Recording a punch sound for a fight scene

Recording a realistic punch sound effect to use in my fight scene, using Power Director software from my course with Young Film Academy

UNIT 2 - Recording a punch sound for a fight scene

To get a realistic sound of a punch in a fight scene, the Young Film Academy course taught me to how to do this using Power Director software. You can do this by smashing a melon, hitting a piece of meat or a wet cloth, or just punching your own fist into your hand. I ended up trialing out both my own hand and a cloth with a pad on top of it. You then record this onto your film scene. This took ages to get right and my sound was either too late coming in, or too early. This was frustrating, but I did enjoy making the sounds and practicing with different things. It showed me just how long it takes to do simple tasks when making a film. It was a bit annoying.

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