UNIT 2 - Choreographing 2 actors in a fight scence and filming it using 'The Hidden Angle'

Having learnt how to film a fight scene using the 'Hidden Angle' technique, I used what I'd learnt to recreate my own scene.

UNIT 2 - Choreographing 2 actors in a fight scence and filming it using 'The Hidden Angle'

Today I learnt how to film a punch scene from my online course with the Young Film Academy, using the 'Hidden Angle' technique. I filmed this on my phone camera from behind while the two actors fighting stood face to face, so you can't see the gap between them, creating a realistic punch. I choreographed the scene and added a sound effect punch later. This was hard work, but fun and I enjoyed directing the actors. You have to get the angle just right so that the punch looks real and we practiced a few times. I also took turns to be in the actor role throwing the punch myself to better understand the process. Watch my film to see how it turned out.

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