A New Brutal Sound Is Emerging under the name “R.A.B.,”

R.A.B., an artist from Cookeville, Tennessee, aims to carve a unique path in a country music-dominated local scene.

A New Brutal Sound Is Emerging under the name “R.A.B.,”

R.A.B., an artist, hails from the small town of Cookeville in Tennessee. He acknowledges that the local music scene is predominantly country, making him stand out as a unique presence in his area, which he appreciates.

In terms of his music career aspirations, R.A.B.'s primary objective is to create music as a sustainable livelihood, allowing him the freedom to live life on his own terms. Embedded within this overarching goal is his desire for his music to serve as a unifying force, evoking novel emotions in people and bringing them together.

When asked about one change he'd like to see in the music industry, R.A.B. strongly advocates for fairer Spotify royalties, expressing his dissatisfaction with the current payout structure and urging the platform to better compensate its artists.

Header Image Credit: Photocredit:R.A.B.

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