Reflections on my painting workshop

For Part D of my Bronze Arts Award I chose to run a painting workshop. Here is how it went.

Hey, it's Alex! For my Bronze Arts Award Part D, I ran a painting workshop. I decided to focus on painting sunsets because it's something I find relaxing, and I wanted to share this therapeutic activity with others.

Before the workshop, I made sure to gather all the necessary art supplies: brushes, acrylic paints, canvases, and palettes. I also created simple step-by-step instructions for painting a sunset to make it accessible to everyone.



introduce the session and tell them about why I like to paint
10 minutes
2Introduction to the idea of painting sunsets and showing them example pictures I have printed. Show them the tools they have and how to mix colours.
10 minutes
3Having a go; get everyone at their own easel and ask them to pencil sketch key sizes, then start painting. I will provide feedback and support throughout
60 minutes
4Enable each other to take a look at the other paintings and ask them how they found the session
10 minutes

The workshop
On the day of the workshop, I was a bit nervous about how the participants would react to the idea of painting. I started the session by sharing my own experience with art and how it has helped me cope with emotions. Some of them seemed interested, so I proceeded with a demonstration of the first steps to paint a sunset, explaining the techniques as clearly as possible.
During the workshop, some of the participants got more enthusiastic and started adding their creative touches to their paintings, like adding a beach or a city skyline. It was great to see them opening up to the process and enjoying themselves.

Leading the workshop was both nerve-wracking and exciting. I started by sharing how art helps me cope with emotions, aiming to create a supportive atmosphere. During the session, I demonstrated the painting process, encouraging participants to express themselves.

After the workshop, my friend Sam told me he enjoyed the session. He mentioned that painting a sunset allowed him to forget about his problems for a while and gave him a chance to relax. He was surprised at how his painting turned out and felt proud of his work.
I'm glad that Sam and others found the workshop enjoyable and were able to explore their creativity. It was a rewarding experience for me to create a positive space for them to express themselves through art.

Sophie: "I loved how you encouraged us to add our own touches to the sunset. It made the experience more enjoyable."

Jamie: "The workshop felt like a positive escape from the routine. I'm glad I joined. Let's do this again sometime!"

In conclusion, running the sunset painting workshop for my Bronze Arts Award Part D was a fulfilling experience. It was a fantastic learning experience for me as a leader. I discovered that leadership isn't just about instructing but also encouraging and supporting others to find their creativity. It reminded me of the power of art to bring joy and relaxation to people's lives. I hope that my small contribution can continue to inspire them to explore art as a way to unwind and express themselves.

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