My Arts Award Journey - By Sam Sweeney

My experience through Arts Award and what it has taught me.

My Arts Award Journey - By Sam Sweeney

My name is Sam Sweeney and I am currently working through my Gold Arts Award. I started working on my Arts Award in 2020 during the pandemic. I first heard of the award from Building Bridges who introduced me to Prime Theatre who helped me through the project. When I started the bronze award I was really nervous but thanks to the help of Prime I was able to get through it easily. However I also needed to step out of my comfort zone for one of the units as I had to lead a session about Storyboards to a class of children. I had never done this before so I was really scared but as I started talking I became more confident and the kids seemed interested in what I had to say. I was really proud of myself as I would have never done this before but since doing it my confidence has shot up where I can do more things like this.

After doing my Bronze I moved over to my Silver Arts Award. Having already done my Bronze I felt a lot more confident this time. Because of this I had to step further out of my comfort zone as instead of leading a session I would now be running a whole workshop. It would be about Storyboarding again as I already had experience talking about that, and I made sure to do it with a group that I already knew so I wouldn’t be talking to complete strangers. The workshop was once again a success with the class really enjoying the course and they learned a lot about Storyboards.

I’m now currently on the final award, Gold where I will now be doing even more projects. This included doing some Work Experience for Prime Theatre which I am still currently doing. My first job with Prime was to be a Teaching Assistant for a year 6 class at Drove Primary School during Drama sessions. My role was to help out and join in with warm ups and games. On the final session I filmed the performance that the class had been working on during the lessons. I was super nervous about doing this as I once again stepped out of my comfort zone but as the weeks went on I became less anxious and started to really enjoy it. After I finished with Drove I started to work with Prime internally. Some of the jobs I did included, going through Prime’s YouTube channel to see what should and shouldn’t be on it, filming videos, being a photographer for projects and making a poster for Young Arts Leaders. So far I’m enjoying doing Work Experience with Prime and I will continue to work with them after Arts Award has finished.

In conclusion, I’m really happy that I’ve done Arts Award as I’ve improved my confidence and my skills a lot since starting this project. I’d recommend anyone who is interested in the arts to do this course as it has been really fun.

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