20 August 2015
Pick of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2015
We return from our third stint at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe with the second award for the best shows we saw during our time there. Ladies and gentlemen, this is our Pick of the Fringe.
20 August 2015
Venue 13: Working the Fringe (part two)
This second blog instalment comes to you from a teal blue portacabin-box-office outside venue 13, at this year's Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
19 August 2015
Want my job?...with Jonathan Maguire
After completing a photography degree at Camberwell College of Art, Jonathan Maguire combined a love of exploring and film making, setting out on multiple explorations over the last few years.
15 August 2015
Off The Top
Baba Brinkman and Dr. Heather Berlin bring science and hip-hop together in Baba's second comedy show at this year's Fringe.
14 August 2015
Markus Birdman: Grimm Realities
An older, bearded version of Draco Malfoy sets himself apart from the crowd with stunning illustrations to deliver a routine with definitively original execution.
14 August 2015
Christina Bianco: Party of One
It's hard to imagine something as ferociously sublime – listen to what Christina Bianco can do with her voice and you'll see precisely what I mean.
11 August 2015
The Girl Who Fell in Love With the Moon
An amazing show with an incredible story.
9 August 2015
Jonny Awsum: Everything Is Awsum
Awsum upped the ante with the stakes of ridiculousness in his show this year. The laughs he got in the packed out, sweltering venue were some of the loudest I'd heard yet.
5 August 2015
What goes on at...BBC Generation 2015
On March 30th, BBC launched Generation 2015. We caught up with project lead and BBC producer, David Stenhouse, to find out more.
5 August 2015
What goes on at...The Orwell Youth Prize
The Orwell Youth Prize takes inspiration from one of the 20th Century's most famously political writers. It's open to 14-18 year olds, and entry closes on 30th April. We caught up with Chair, Elizabeth Paris, to find out more.
5 August 2015
What goes on at...Voluntary Arts
Voluntary Arts Week finishes tomorrow. We caught up with Voluntary Arts, Development Lead, Cassandra Barron to find out more...
5 August 2015
Backstage with...Paige Murphy
Paige Murphy, completed a nine week placement at Shakespeare's Globe in the education department. She chatted to Louise Ripley-Duggan about her experience, working at one of the most successful education departments in the country...
5 August 2015
Backstage with...Saadia Sajid
16 year old Saadia Sajid is Head of the Public Affairs board at Newham Youth Council, Youth Ambassador for Model Westminster, Youth Voice Secretary for London at the British Youth Council, overseeing UKYP and has recently joined the Youth Branch of the Labour Party.
5 August 2015
Backstage with...Rebecca Moore MYP
Want to know what it's like to be part of Youth Parliament? We caught up with Rebecca Moore, member of UK Youth Parliament in North Tyneside to find out more.
5 August 2015
Want my job?...with Henry Raby
Interested in spoken word but not quite sure how to dip your toe in the pool? We caught up with Henry Raby, a performance poet and man of many talents, to find out more...