5 November 2015
Get Gold with a difference
Gold is about preparing you for the creative industries - in a way A levels don't often do (in my opinion). Keeping a broad cultural experience is exciting.
5 November 2015
Get Gold by reaching out
Outreach programmes and 'making art accessible' are not about belittling it, relying on 'amateur' work, or squeezing it into strange places.
5 November 2015
Get Gold with literature
Literature isn't always the first art form that comes to mind for many. But wow is that a mistake. I personally enjoy reading a good book - it's just finding the time. It can certainly be more fulfilling than watching the film equivalent.
3 November 2015
Bugsy Malone by Granit
Nightingale Class from Cambridge School went to the Lyric Theatre in Hammersmith to see Bugsy Malone.
2 November 2015
Music and Me - a love letter
Me and music go back a long, long way. But recently...let's just say things are a bit complicated. Here's what happened:
30 October 2015
Arts Award Off The Shelf: Laura Dockrill
Arts Award Voice's deputy editor Tom interviews Laura Dockrill about how she decided to get into writing, and the authors that inspired her to follow her dream career. This video will be useful if you are completing the Arts Award Part C Inspiration section of your Bronze portfolio.
Tom also talks to Emma Jones from the Ministry of Stories about the ways in which they support young people taking their Arts Award to find their own inspiration.
27 October 2015
What's Happening for the Young - Subjectivity UK
As part of the What's Happening for the Young Festival that took place at the Southbank Centre this weekend, Subjectivity UK held a talk entitled "Crime and Punishment Vs. the Youth". This discussion incorporated performance and specialist speakers to look at issues inspired by an article from the UN Convention.
24 October 2015
Volunteering at festivals: my experience at Durham Book Festival
Getting involved in festivals can be a great way of getting experience in the industry and getting access to events, as I found out reviewing and volunteering at this year's Durham Book Festival.
12 October 2015
Competition Brief: SSF reviewing on Arts Award Voice
Starting today, primary, secondary and sixth form students are being given the chance to enter reviews of Shakespeare School Festival (SSF) performances to a special competition on Voice!
5 October 2015
Arts Award movers and shakers: Diana Walton
Diana has been around since the first shoots of Arts Award grew in the West Midlands in 2000 and has helped the award to flourish over the years
2 October 2015
March's theme is…Literature
This month we're teaming up with Bath Literature Festival, and delving into the world of lit.
2 October 2015
What goes on at...Bath Festivals
We're teaming up with Bath Festivals for March's literature month. Bath Literature Festival - running until March 8th - is just a part of this. We caught up with learning and participation leader, Hazel Plowman to find out more...
2 October 2015
Backstage with...Bath Festival's Judith Robinson
This month we're teaming up with Bath Festivals to bring you news and opinions from the festival, and the wider world of lit. Here, we meet festival Literature Producer, Judith Robinson.
2 October 2015
How to...win a novel award
This weekend, I headed to How To Win a Novel Award, a talk at Bath Literature Festival. Here are the key highlights from the discussion to help any aspiring writers pitch their work just right...
2 October 2015
Around the world in ten books
A fun and enlightening end to a weekend at Bath Festivals, Scott Peck and Ann Morgan picked their top ten books from around the world.
2 October 2015
Inside Bath Literature Festival's Young Writers Lab: Yves Morris
At Bath Literature Festival's Young Writers Lab, students created alternate realities for the city of Bath, imagining new landscapes and futures at 'The Chancery of the Lost and Found'. Here, Yves Morris shares a section of his creative writing...
1 October 2015
10 tips for getting going with Arts Award
It's Start Your Arts Award Day! Here are our top tips for getting going with Arts Award...
30 September 2015
Danny Wallace and Jamie Littler at Bath Children's Literature Festival
Danny Wallace is a natural fit as a children's author, achieving that nigh on impossible adult trait of speaking to children as equals.